General information on the Institute of
Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy:
Institute of Chemistry,
Technology and Metallurgy continues the tradition of the
National Chemical Laboratory - founded in 1859 by the Decree of Prince
Milos Obrenovic, in the building built in 1882 at the corner of Njegoseva
and King Milutin Street.
In 1961, the Republic of Serbia,
three faculties of Belgrade University (the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy
and the Faculty of Pharmacy) and
14 Serbian companies founded the Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy
The IHTM scientific-research and development activities are carried
out within the scope of fundamental,
applied and development research; winning and development of
technological processes and scale-up and know-how in the fields of:
Accumulated knowledge, academically qualified
scientific-professional personnel, specialized technical staff, modern
equipment for development, manufacture and characterization of materials and
components made it possible for the IHTM
to develop, for the last 48 years, series of state-of-the-art technological
procedures and materials important for development Replica Rolex of the domestic civilian
and military industries.
On the basis of the its own engineering
design, the realization of the acquired technologies and materials in the
above stated fields of IHTM
research activity, has been and is carried out by transfer of technology in
the appropriate economic organizations or in its own microplants.
The IHTM has a direct cooperation with the Faculty of Chemistry, the Faculty
of Technology and Metallurgy and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade, constituting mutual
scientific-research and research-development teams. Besides the research-development
work, IHTM also takes part, together with allied faculties, in education
and training of the scientific-research staff.
Expert-associates of the IHTM considerably contributed in the
last period to the development of the scientific thought in the fields of
the Institute activities, through a series cycle clothing of the publications published in
the eminent journals, special issues (monographs, etc.) as well as through
their regular participation and publishing of the achieved scientific
results at the appropriate international meetings.
IHTM has a
close cooperation with Academies of Science, Universities, Research and
Development Institutes all over the world. IHTM is an open
scientific-research Cycle clothing and research-development institution which offers
cooperation in the scope of its activities to the interested local and
foreign scientific-research, research-development and production
Activities of the Department of Ecology and
The Department of Ecology and Techoeconomics is a scientific &
development, research & development and consulting organizational unit of the Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy
(IHTM) that is specialized in the following fields of activity:
engineering and development management in the process industries:
· Setting of development goals and
· Optimizing the effectiveness of R&D
activities, production and sales
Market research studies and
market assessment reports
Technical evaluation reports and
value assessment of equipment and technology
Pre-feasibility and feasibility
Studies on assessment of
environmental impact
Professional aid during
activities on transfer of technology
Designing and implementation of
systems for quality control
and engineering of technological processes:
Preparation of process designs
and plant designs
Process engineering activities
Development of prototype and
special process equipment
Preparation of all necessary
technical documentation
tests and analysis:
Physical-chemical and sensor analysis of general purpose
goods (plates and equipment and food packing, children toys, preparations
for personally hygiene, preparations designed to beautify body and face,
preparations for face and body care, substances for cleaning) and water
(drinking water, mineralized and demineralized water, processing water,
water for recreation-pools, underground water, ground water and
Sampling of general purpose goods and water.
The Department
of Ecology and Technoeconomics employees
the EU regulative in designing and engineering activities and also
methodologies of the WB or UNIDO in activities on technoeconomics. It is
licensed by the responsible governmental authorities for preparation of
process and plant designs in six most important branches of process industry,
as well as for designing of waste-water treatment plants. The
laboratories are accredited according to standard SRPS ISO/IEC 17025:2006.
Total staff:
Average turnover:
600 000 –
700 000 $